Here is a summary of a review of the programs listed in our directory who offered a limited view of their curriculum and their prerequisites.
Types of Programs
University Programs
Graduate Credits - 18-21 credits 2-3 years of study with prerequisites of a Masters related to Spirituality, Ministry, Theology etc.
Graduate Certificate – non credit with prerequisites of an undergraduate degree only
Retreat Houses, Independent Programs
Certificate – non credit with prerequisites of an undergraduate degree or not
Independent Programs- non Profit
Certificate – non credit with some or no prerequisites
What does a Spiritual Direction Certificate Curriculum Contain ( or should)
Nature and Purpose of Spiritual Direction
The Practice
Art of Accompaniment
Introduction to Counseling
Interpersonal Communication Skills
Catholic Spirituality - History
Traditions – Carmelite, Benedictine, Franciscan, Augustian, Ignatian
Christian Tradition of Prayer
Foundations and Practices
Spiritual and Mystical Traditions
Stages of Prayer
What happens in prayer
The Human Person
Christian Anthropology
Human Development
Psychology at the Intersection of Spiritual Direction
The Spiritual Life
Spiritual Development
Discernment of Spirits
The Catholic Tradition
Biblical Theology
Sacramental Theology
Moral Theology/Practical Theology
Role Playing- Case Studies – group identity
Life of virtue and service, shame, resilience, resistance, sacramental imagination
Post Certificates
Directed Retreats
The Spiritual Exercises