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Serving Those in the Ministry of Spiritual Direction

Mission of 

Ministry Mission
As a Registry for the Ministry 

·       To serve the public on FAQ, links,  and resources for Spiritual Direction in the Catholic Traditions 

·       To serve those looking for training as spiritual directors, supervisors, and formators



As a Resource to the Ministry

·       To serve individual companions, directors, supervisors, and formators with listings, resources and shared materials on best practices

  To serve organizations to list their services and programs 



As a Ministry to the Ministry

·       To serve those who desire and require ongoing formation -in theology, psychology, and spirituality of the different traditions with listings of available programs 

·       To serve as a place to collaborate in creating a standardized (minimum) foundational curriculum, in bringing the best together


Why a Registry?

The Story

This site grew out of my own need need and desire to locate Catholic based professional ministry training and ongoing formation for skills building, supervision, and tools and other resources for ministry.


Today there are associations of Catholic chaplains, counselors, coaches, therapists, doctors, nurses, lay ministers, bioethicists, etc. offering with tools and resources. None yet for spiritual directors. 

This is a Start


As a lay person in the ministry of spiritual direction for the past 20+ years, I found it difficult after graduating (from a university-based certificate program) to locate resources to sustain my formational growth since I was not in a religious community.  Moreover networking with the other students of the program was difficult since most were international students,  clergy and religious that here as temporary visitors,  immediately returning back to the communities.  


And today, though there seems to be a majority of spiritual directors are lay,  and with many new uncertified programs popping up, along with new layers of services  and terms used now in the ministry of accompaniment, I still find it difficult to locate reliable information for ongoing training, or available Catholic directors who are offering supervision or mentoring. â€‹


May you and all you love be blessed today.

Yours in Christ through Mary,

Dr. Karen Shields Wright, MS, DC, DM




the Invitation

I welcome you in joining in to chart a new course to support each other and for the next generation

as the Holy Spirit is leads the way!


Join Here


Scholarships are available



What to Help, We Looking for Sponsors 

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This site has been developed by and initially financed by

Karen Shields Wright and Gregory Vigliotta members of Our Lady of the Way, Retreat Center




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